Digital IDs : a tempting shift for consumers and hackers alike

A recent study conducted by Interac, a leading debit payment service, suggests that two out of three Canadians would rather have their IDs offered through a digital format than through a physical document or card. Though they also claimed some form of weariness on the matter of cyber-security threats, 86% of the 1,500 people polled wanted a digital version of at least one of their official documents stating it would be “more practical”.

It’s very clear: Canadians want more practical digital options to manage their ID documentation, be it though online formats or through their mobile phones.

However, these findings bring up important questions. Where does the information for these digital IDs come from and where does it get stored? The practicality of such a service might attract many to make the shift, but we can’t forget to think about how the information will be sent and where it’ll be stored. How easy could it be for hackers to come upon IDs directly from people’s phones? The recent data leaks plaguing government agencies must be kept in mind before making such a big leap towards a digital ID system.

At Evizone, we’re proud to offer the best of both worlds. Practical and easy to use software that can be easily integrated even into a mobile phone, as well as a software built with encryption and proprietary clauses that take away the risk of having personal information stolen. See for yourself by signing up for a free trial today!